2025-P American Innovation Dollar - Arkansas (BU)

2025-P American Innovation Dollar - Arkansas (BU)

    Price: $5.00

    Code: AIN26A7

    60 available for immediate delivery

    2025-P American Innovation Dollar - Arkansas (BU)

    Philadelphia Mint

    The state of Arkansas is featured on the 26th coin in the American Innovation Dollar program.  Raye Montague, an American naval engineer and the first female program manager of ships for the U.S. Navy is shown on the reverse.  She is overlooking a U.S. Navy Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate, a ship she designed by computer.

    Montague was the first female program manager of ships in the United States Navy and she literally changed the way the U.S. Navy designed ships and submarines using a computer program she developed in the early 1970s.

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